Aliens From Hell - Freeman Fly from Freeman on Vimeo. 10 days after I presented Aliens From Hell at Conspiracy Con 2013, Macintosh announced their new operating system, Maverick. Imagine my surprise...
December 21st 2007 I was sent to meet the Kakulhaa Mayan Spiritual Guides to witness the first ever, all night Winter Solstice Ceremony at the pyramids of Tikal. A new paradigm is on the horizon; a...
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | As far as goddess symbolism goes, Katy Perry’s super bowl performance did not disappoint. The Lady of the Lions is an image that extends across time for more than 6,000...
Dark Matter hosts Freeman on Fade to Black w/ Jimmy Church 6-12-14 Freemasonry, is it evil? How has our ancient past affected the world? Human cloning, chemtrails and the elite, what is going on...
Weird Stuff ~ Operation: Culture Creation Part 2 on sale now! Are You Free or Are You a Slave? What is the difference between witchcraft, magic, science and science fiction? In Weird Stuff ~ Part 1...
There may be a love triangle between Barack Obama, Michelle, and Beyoncé. Could this be an ancient affair? We knew there was a reason Beyoncé sang, "At Last" to the President, much to...
Akhenaten, the father of King Tut, is believed to be the founder of the magical order of the Rosicrucians. If the secret societies could bring back any man, it would be this pharaoh of ancient Egypt...
The Apocalyptic process. Was Moses Akhenaten the renegade pharaoh? "All is One" reveals the hidden knowledge of the Bible. These are the Golden Keys that unlock history. Dr. Arthur Earl Jones Listen...
Are UFO encounters a sign of the Nephilim's return? The mythoi of our ancestors seem outlandish with tales of flying vehicles and wars in the heavens. The Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is...
"Dangerous, profoundly wrong and has no place in our society..." are the words President Obama used to describe human cloning. Has human cloning come far enough along to clone an Egyptian pharaoh...