Weird Stuff Part 2

Weird Stuff ~ Operation: Culture Creation Part 2 on sale now!

Weird Stuff Operation: Culture Creation Part 2Are You Free or Are You a Slave?
What is the difference between witchcraft, magic, science and science fiction? In Weird Stuff ~ Part 1, we asked, are you a person or are you a product? In this edition we will be discovering who is free and who is enslaved. Which ancient Mystery Schools are making a comeback? Where is the Holy Spirit, and how does this affect Motherhood? Learn why many women have become Crazy Bitches, and what the Royals have to do with it. From Molech to Monarchs, are you suffering from Trauma Based Mind Control? The better question is, who isn’t? Have you been possessed by Rock & Roll, Voodoo, or Scientology? See how even world wars, Nazi religion, superheroes, sorcery, and mind control can never overcome LOVE!

Weird Stuff Part 2 sells for $25. Receive a %20 discount by ordering here.

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Inside the US $20 + shipping

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Weird Stuff Part 1

Get Weird Stuff Part 1! An occult conspiracy encyclopedia in an easy-to-read fully illustrated magazine format.
Understand the purpose of Lady Gaga performing a blood sacrifice on American Idol and Madonna’s use of Kabbalah in Super Bowl High Profile Rituals. Learn the truth about Walt Disney Co. and their connection with the military industrial complex.
Weird Stuff goes where your minister will not dare! Weird Stuff is more than a book. It is a tool for you to help rehabilitate the minds of friends. Like us on Facebook