Who Are The They? – Michael Joseph

We've all heard the phrase. "They are just..." Who are "The They"? Can we really know which esoteric society is controlling events on planet Earth? Are we living in the Illuminati paradigm? Where do our national beliefs come from? Do you believe in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Freemasons, Jesuits, The Golden Dawn, and The Ordo Templi Orientis are not the usual culprits discussed in connection with our personal ideologies.

Are They pushing us into a global financial crash? Is the reaction to COVID-19 disproportionate to the actual danger. We seem to have an information deficit along with a financial one. Have you prepared? Should you prepare for now or a coming collapse in the supply chain? Are grocery shelves empty where you are?

Associate Producer: Steve Mercer
Send comments and guest suggestions to producersteve@freemantv.com

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Michael Joseph is an esoteric researcher connecting Occult beliefs of Freemasonry, Theosophy and Qabalastic traditions to world organizations, world events, and society at large. You can find all of his research at the YouTube channel: Schism206. Each video gives sources/citations for the information provided and is presented as objectively as possible. There are 2 main goals of the research: The first is to look through the eyes of the elite class and their philosophical/spiritual belief systems to help understand where they are attempting to steer humanity; and to what ends. The second is to allow the viewers to draw their own conclusions about the information presented and have a better understanding of how we are being manipulated. This will help avoid contributing to the NWO agenda while giving us a better understanding of our fellow man and perhaps even alleviate some of the in-fighting in the alternative research community. One can only hope.

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