The Girly Show “All My Classy Ladies”

What does it mean to be a girl in the NWO? Miley Cyrus wants you to eat her p***y. What is the definition of feminism and what are we trying to be equal with? How trashy can a high class person be? Is there a real life Disney Princess with her own Egyptian kingdom? What's so wrong with calling your daughter a princess? Learn the depravity of the Royal Family and what happens when you actually "make it" to the top of society.

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Most Evil Cartoon Character.jpgHour 2 - Who is the most disturbing cartoon villain of all time? How big is too big and what is a "Hamplanet"? What could possibly be appealing about 50 Shades of Grey?! I'll tell you. Why I approve of Bruce Jenner (the person). Listen to Hour 2

Weird Stuff Aliens Free
Weird Stuff Part 2

Jamie Hanshaw is a second generation conspiracy theorist. Growing up in the 80's and 90's she was exposed very early to the growing world of truth seekers, alternative historians, Clinton scandals, FEMA activities and witchcraft in Saturday morning cartoons. Being raised in the Christian church for 25 years and teaching Sunday school she is knowledgeable of the Bible, the life of Jesus, Islam, Satanism, Mormonism, Exorcism, and many other isms.

Further studies include the occult activities of secret societies, the Freemasons, magic, sorcery, Kabalistic rituals, and Hollywood trauma-based mind control.
Jamie, with co-writer Freeman, is compiling all of this information into a fully illustrated, well-referenced compendium of the occult mind pattern programming of Hollywood and the Mainstream media in their new book, Weird Stuff Operation: Culture Creation.