Schizophrenia and the Medical Mafia – Jerry Marzinsky

Getting this information out before the Medical Mafia comes down on us is critical. To disrupt the medical mafia’s lies the most, is to expose that they have no evidence that schizophrenia is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. There is no instrument to measure such an imbalance and they do not even know what the neuro-transmitter balance of the brain is or what it should be. They are virtually making this crap up! The Medical Mafia continue to foster the chemical imbalance lie to line their pockets. The toxic drugs they dish out rot out the peripheral nervous system and merely suppress psychotic symptoms temporarily. Virtually no research money is spent looking for a cure.

The evidence that both victims and others can see for themselves, if they look at what we can point out, will make it perfectly clear that the voices heard by psychotics are not hallucinations, but follow very well defined and predictable destructive patterns. Before the truth can be reached, both these lies must be addressed and brought to light otherwise the medical mafia will keep the people suffering from this disorder, spinning in a hellish circle with escape routes blocked, while they continue to line their pockets off the suffering of these poor souls and drive up medical insurance costs for the rest of us.

Jerry Marzinsky has over thirty years experience working with Psychiatric Patients in both the Arizona Prison System and as the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Counselor Senior at Yarbrough Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center, Central State Hospital, Milledgeville, Georgia. Jerry is a licensed mental health practitioner, specializing in psychiatric care and he is a licensed pilot and SCUBA diver. He is also an avid explorer of nature and things that go bump in the night. .

Jerry's Youtube

Jerry spent time working as a mental health counselor in the Prison System and found that many of the prisoners who were regarded as schizophrenics or mentally unstable were likewise being tormented by voices. These “voices” can give detailed instructions to individuals and even seem to be familiar with distant geography and the future behavior of people. This is one of the most important interviews ever given by a mental health expert with a verifiable background. Jerry has been in the trenches healing people tormented by negative entities. Jerry also talks about the true nature of the PhD training in the Psychiatric field and how it is meant to brainwash the prospective PhD’s into believing what they are told and doing what the system wants them to do. Psychiatrists became angered at Jerry when they found out he was asking patients about the voices they were hearing. Jerry quit the PhD program in disgust when he found out what it was all about.

Send comments and guest suggestions to Associate Producer: Steve Mercer