Could a Satanic ritual destroy the universe? Fiction may soon become reality. Learn how the Templar castration rituals create gods. Men in ancient times were right to see a solar eclipse as an existential threat. What is depicted in Genuflect is the Conquering of the Sun ritual, changing from one Sun to another, the birth of a new aeon. The seven planetary archons are sacrificed, and their essences used to create this new aeon. This is the plot line of every alchemical allegory, from Johann Valentin Andreae’s Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz to Alejandro Jodorowsky’s Holy Mountain. What will happen August 21st as America has it's first total solar eclipse in 100 years.
The photographs that I promised are HERE There will be more to come!

She has appeared on several radio shows, television shows, and film documentaries. Most notably, she has been interviewed on National Geographic’s “Is It Real: Da Vinci’s Code” (2006), “Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory” (2012), and the documentary film Bloodline (2008). She has appeared repeatedly on Coast to Coast AM, Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, and many other programs. She was also the Executive Producer of Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis (a national radio program with hundreds of affiliates) for a period of time from 2014-2015.
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