Freeman’s Appearances

Freeman has appeared on Howard Stern, an HBO Documentary, The Discovery Channel, and even a film with Dan Fogler and Anne Hathaway! He has had much to say about our world and what's to come. With...

Freeman Fly

Who is Freeman?

Freeman, host of, has been on the forefront of conspiracy theory for nearly two decades. Freeman created the first documentary on HAARP and televised the first documentary on chemtrails...

Mark of the Beast

The Mark of the Beast, 666 and Celebrity Mind Control The Mark of the Beast and 666 are used in corporate and celebrity mind control of the population and most are unaware. Madonna's use of the VV...

Illuminati Symbols

What do these occult Illuminati symbols really mean? Find out here. Deciphered from Freemasonry and Kabbalah, Freeman puts all the puzzle pieces together. See Inside Masonic Lodges around the world...