"Freemasonry is far too serious a matter for any man to assume its villainous obligations without due reflection...bound by the cable tow of Satan to the altar of Baal, there is no place for after...
The idea of launching rocket ships to distant stars seems unlikely. In a time when you can control your television with your mind, maybe conscious travel should be in our thoughts. How do you travel...
On the 55th anniversary of the JFK Assassination Conspiracy Theory, let's get deep into magickal practice. For instance, magic spelled with a K is considered accursed or black magic. K is an evil...
Can you face your dark side? Are you speaking your mind? How do we find the patience in a microaggression world? Trivial things blow up out of proportion to the life that we lead. Like Markoff Chaney...
ENIGMA: Something hard to understand or explain. Derived from the Latin ænigma, meaning “Riddle” or the Greek aniigma/ainissesthai, “To speak obscurely, speak in riddles.” What is The Phoenix Enigma...
Getting this information out before the Medical Mafia comes down on us is critical. To disrupt the medical mafia’s lies the most, is to expose that they have no evidence that schizophrenia is caused...
Do you remember the introduction of the V Chip for your television? It was as if they were willing to give them away to even the homeless! Then, everyone was forced to upgrade to HD TV. Now, you are...
Culture is a plot against the expansion of consciousness. What civilization is, is 6 billion people trying to make themselves happy by standing on each other's shoulders and kicking each other's...
These Mayan monuments are not the remnants of a raging warrior people drenched in sacrificial blood, as commonly portrayed, but rather reflect a sophisticated spiritual legacy — a Masonic legacy —...
In 1987, Marja received a 9 month series of instructional transmissions through waking dreams and pioneered Absolute Balanced Mastery™ a cutting edge emotional-energetic healing modality technology...