This is where the Psychonaut meets the Scientist. Like when Ken Kesey of the Merry Pranksters met with Dr. Timothy Leary, let's explore altered states of consciousness. Does consciousness exist...
A Dissonance Machine is giving us answers through opinion. A.I. bots control what is truth on the Internet and they don't all agree. What is truth and how can it mess up your life? Are we the product...
What if by preparing for "The End" we found a new beginning; Organizing self-sustainable communities out of our neighborhoods and establishing a renaissance of humanity through the collapse? How do...
How can we trust our emotions when even our minds are not free? Technology has now invaded our minds but, the control grid exists from the dawn of civilization. The age of the dark hero is upon us...
Do we still consider a Super Blood Wolf Moon a bad omen? Is this a good time to demand justice? Does liberty lead to corruption? Let's explore the emanation of the psychic wound in the individual’s...
In a time of genetically-modified babies, glow in the dark cats and pigs, human body parts grown inside of sheep birthed from artificial wombs, and deep space exploration beyond the borders of the...
In a time of Hadron Colliders punching holes into other dimensions, AI and quantum computers creating life simulations, tele-presence killer robots owned by a search engine, and frequency modulation...
Imagine if you will, a world without the Ark of the Covenant. The effects of this single “demiurgic” device is astounding! Human history and origins have been impacted by alien intervention and alien...
Freemason Grand Sovereign Commander Albert Pike received a vision, which he described in a letter that he wrote to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871. This letter graphically outlined plans for three...
“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The...