Sit back, relax, and join Rainbow Warrior GodDess Lisa for a Rocksome dose of Consciousness Caffeine and Conscious Community with topics regarding Re-Education, Healing, Empowerment, Inspiration, Dominion, & Conscious Co-Creation. On today's show Lisa hosts special guest Freeman Fly, host of, film maker, radio talk show host, and lecturer. Freeman is considered an expert in the fields of the occult, trauma-based mind control, Illuminati symbolism, and ancient civilizations. He will discuss the possibility of the cloning of Obama and the first family, CERN, and much more execrable potential truths. Come join the Big Picture Party to listen, learn, be Inspired, facilitate Remembrance, and share your soul where all are honored in our Rainbow Warrior Circle. Please call in and join our Rainbow Warrior Circle to ask questions and share if you are so Inspired.This show was created with the intention to gather other Rainbow Warriors together to Co-Create from Unity Consciousness so...Let's Get This Party Started!!!