Is Time Speeding Up? – Laird Scranton

Quantum entanglement with another universe fluctuating between material and immaterial, shifting aeons through time and space…simple! The Dogon knew this and they still live in mud huts! How could they know anything about quantum dynamics? They received this information from the immaterial universe and transmitted it down through the ages with symbols.

Comparative Cosmology is necessary to witness the miraculous phenomenon of shifting ages and the effect this has on civilization. When and why did patriarchy suddenly change in so many unconnected regions? Why did symbols suddenly reverse their meaning as Yugas transitioned.

CERN has admitted to bringing things through other dimensions. They have put the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station to witness the Anti-Universe. Antimatter has been trapped and held for seemingly impossible moments. Light has been given mass and colliding gold has manipulated space/time at the Relativistic Heavy Ionic Collider under Brookhaven.

Can the paranormal be explained by understanding the connection between the material and immaterial universes? Does the anti-universe cry out for us to listen and become caretakers of this knowledge. How many synchronicities will it take for you to start listening?


Laird Scranton is an independent software designer from Albany, New York who writes about ancient mysteries, cosmology and language. His work includes articles published in the University of Chicago's Anthropology News academic journal, in Temple University's Encyclopedia of African Religion, and in the Vassar Quarterly Magazine. His book "The Science of the Dogon" was taught at Colgate University under the title "Hidden Meanings: A Study of the Founding Symbols of Civilization."

He is featured in John Anthony West's "Magical Egypt" documentary series and in Carmen Boulter's "The Pyramid Code", a series broadcast by the Documentary Channel. He has been interviewed on a variety of radio programs around the world including Coast-to-Coast AM and Red Ice Radio in Sweden. He has presented at conferences on Ancient Mysteries including Walter Cruttenden's annual CPAK Conference, the A.R.E. Mysteries Conference, and the Paradigm Symposium