A three-day conference on Illuminati Mind Control in media, politics, and corporate control featuring whistle-blowers from across the country who shed light upon our world’s problems and bring forward empowering solutions.
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This unique event will build upon the success of the first Free Your Mind Conference in 2011, with a continued focus to spread awareness on the topics of consciousness, mind control, subversive occult influences, holistic body-mind-spirit health, and solution-oriented approaches to the problems humanity faces in these challenging times.
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Weird Stuff is an encyclopedia of the occult in pop culture, politics, and new technologies.

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Operation: Culture Creation Issue #1
Ever wonder why the world is going to Hell in a hand basket? Now you will know! Social engineering starts with popular culture and becomes the belief systems of the next generation.
Weird Stuff is an occult conspiracy encyclopedia in an easy-to-read fully illustrated tabloid magazine format.
Understand the purpose of Lady Gaga performing a blood sacrifice on American Idol and Madonna’s use of Kabbalah in Super Bowl High Profile Rituals. Learn the truth about Walt Disney Co. and their connection with the military industrial complex.
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Weird Stuff goes where your minister will not dare! Weird Stuff is more than a book. It is a tool for you to help rehabilitate the minds of friends.
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Here's a list of the guests included.