Free Zone You Be The Host Oracle 01-03-2009

In 2004 Freeman began the Freeman Perspective, a television show on Austin Access TV. Secretly, his roommate was uploading these innovative programs to Google video. Freeman became a global phenomenon. In 2006, before he knew the word podcast, Freeman was offered a "radio show" and Radio Freeman was born.

With the TV show and the podcast altering the minds of millions, Freeman was offered a live broadcast on Oracle Broadcasting in 2008. These were some of his most in-depth and research-filled programs.

The Free Zone aired on Oracle every Saturday night and ran from 2008 to 2012. This is the next in line of those 4 years of live broadcasts. He was still learning the system but, Freeman never shied away from a challenge. Here you will learn how he saw the next two decades unfolding. He wasn't wrong... This time, you be the host!

It is time for you to catch up on all of this past work. Everything Freeman covered is even more relevant today. Freeman's mind lives in the future.
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The Oracle Years of The Free Zone will air every Wednesday at 8pm EST

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The Free Zone with Freeman Fly - Saturday 8pm EST
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Freeman has been on the forefront of conspiracy theory for nearly two decades. He is an internationally-known, award-winning TV producer, film maker, radio talk show host and lecturer. Freeman is considered an expert in the fields of the occult, trauma-based mind control, Illuminati symbolism, and ancient civilizations by his peers and professionals within his industry. Contact:

Freeman has lectured extensively on the secret signs and symbolism of Freemasonry, the ancient astronaut hypothesis, trauma-based mind control, social engineering, government conspiracy, human cloning, technologies of the future and synchronicity.

Associate Producer: Steve Mercer
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