Flat Earth Paradigm Shift – David Weiss

We are trying to get a grasp on what is going on in our world. "The flat-Earth conspiracy is spreading around the globe." CNN asks, "Does it hide a darker core?" Changing your paradigm alters your consciousness and that changes the world. If we make it flat, will we find our true sovereign power? Can one person make a difference?

Try to prove that the Earth is round and you will be surprised! How many concepts do we hold simply because authority placed it in our heads while we were young and naive. When do you go back and question these inserted assertions? Do you question reality?

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We have found that the occult and technology go hand in hand so, who are leading our leaders, djinn, demons, or gods from outer space? The signs and symbols are clear enough. The elite have discovered that they may live forever using mind-transfer technologies coupled with human cloning or robotics. They are seeking the anti-universe and its inhabitants as if they know something we do not. Why would nations devote 10’s of billions to create CERN? Is it to find the god particle that holds everything together or to open a wormhole to the abyss and allow the extraterrestrial current to enter our life stream? Would you like to know more?

"I absolutely freaked out," Weiss tells CNN in a phone interview. "It literally whips the rug out from underneath you."

"I have no problem with anybody that wants to believe we live on a ball. That's their choice," he says. "It's just not something I resonate with."

David Weiss is a successful businessman who walked away from it all to spread the word of the globe lie.
He is the host of the Flat Earth Podcast and creator of the Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app.

Associate Producer: Steve Mercer
Send comments and guest suggestions to producersteve@freemantv.com