A world-renowned authority on the occult side of the Vatican and the real Illuminati, Leo Zagami is exposing for the first time, the secret plan of the elite for the establishment of a New Golden...
There's a secret deep in our forests; a secret many have gone to great lengths to keep. Something protects them fiercely. Rarely seen, they keep a constant vigilance against the ignorance and abuse...
The Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution of Chairman Mao seem extremely similar to our current situation. The assassination of John F. Kennedy really set the stage for the Great Reset and...
Actors are already selling digital clones of themselves. Digital clones could contribute to one of the largest Hollywood labor strikes in decades. Leaders of SAG-AFTRA, the primary union representing...
We have forgotten what it means to be human. Impermanence has become normal. Humans together create a Divine Will Array sending frequencies out to the universe and to those around us. Flow form is...
Once again the media says we are not alone as if it was the first time we've heard this. We are on this side of the door in a tight little claustrophobic hallway, and on the other side of the door is...
The so-called delusions of a long-dead science fiction writer may have turned out to be prophecies. Philip K Dick and the ongoing collapse and reordering of our reality. As the world grows darker...
The goal is to help in the process of bringing conscious intent to the state of dreaming — light to the shadowy corners of this experience we all have access to, each time we drift off to sleep...
Humanity is currently navigating the biggest propaganda war in human history. While we tend to think of wars being waged with bullets, bombs + other overt signs of violence, ours is a war of words...
The process by which a magnetizable body becomes magnetized when in a magnetic field or in the magnetic flux set up by a magnetomotive force could be an explanation as to how we take in nutrients. A...