Freeman follows the strangeness of Hollywood and here you will find the strangest videos Freeman has seen on the net. Ever see the Pope with strippers? You will here! How about Britney Spears talking...
Freeman on The Kevin Gallagher Show discussing Illuminati corporate logos, trauma-based mind control, space weapons, time travel, Michael Jackson, Madonna and Obama's "Thank you Satan" [Listen to...
Aleister Crowley's Aeon of Horus, The meaning of 9/11, Kenneth Grant, magick and Steven Spielberg social programming, dream control for contact with extraterrestrials. Michael Aquino bringing Satan...
An afternoon chat with visionary, Paul Laffoley on Alchemy, Elvis Resurrected, RAEL, and his amazing creations like the Levogyre “I felt the Levogyre to be a proto-time machine and developed the...
Adventures of Warren Allman, LSD, Daniel Pinchbeck, Hanukkah, and Cleopatra's Needle. Mars Needs Moms, Type O Negative, Walt Disney Co, Moon Lake and Dan's New Daughter! Photography from Don Peyote...
Freeman began his career discussing Illuminati social engineering through corporations and celebrity mind control. With predictions of 9/11 and the 10/13 bank crash and the Obama birth conspiracy, no...
A New World Order is emerging and they no longer need you. Who are flying the jets leaving chemtrails in our skies? You might be surprised! They Live Reborn! This is a must see video from Flo White...