In 2004 Freeman began the Freeman Perspective, a television show on Austin Access TV. Secretly, his roommate was uploading these innovative programs to Google video. Freeman became a global...
Do you remember learning of plastic coffins and FEMA camps in the 90's and have the very real sense of impending doom as most do now? Time has tempered our reactions over the decades but, we remember...
FreemanTV Member: (Protected Content)Do you remember learning of plastic coffins and FEMA camps in the 90's and have the very real sense of impending doom as most do now? Time has tempered our...
In 2004 Freeman began the Freeman Perspective, a television show on Austin Access TV. Secretly, his roommate was uploading these innovative programs to Google video. Freeman became a global...
The elite know well the power of the narrative. From ancient kings claiming to block the sun to the modern mythos of climate change, they know that if you remain ignorant to the knowledge held by the...
FreemanTV Member: (Protected Content)The elite know well the power of the narrative. From ancient kings claiming to block the sun to the modern mythos of climate change, they know that if you remain...
In 2004 Freeman began the Freeman Perspective, a television show on Austin Access TV. Secretly, his roommate was uploading these innovative programs to Google video. Freeman became a global...
In the film 2001: A Space Odyssey, a virus is the cover for an alien invasion. Could COVID be the cover for something much bigger? An extinction level event? An alien invasion? You may not have...
FreemanTV Member: (Protected Content)In the film 2001: A Space Odyssey, a virus is the cover for an alien invasion. Could COVID be the cover for something much bigger? An extinction level event? An...
The world is powered by sorcerers and not scientists. Despite what the aging acolytes of the Enlightenment might wish, computers have only strengthened the power of the supernatural on this world...