FreemanTV Member: (Protected Content)There is a global underground network of dark occultists who use various methods of trauma to create compartmentalized mind controlled slaves. Key people in...
It's hard to believe that this show aired almost 6 years ago! Are we creating trauma where there is none? Mainstream media is pushing an agenda demonizing sex victim, Milo, while ignoring deep state...
FreemanTV Member: (Protected Content)It's hard to believe that this show aired almost 6 years ago! Are we creating trauma where there is none? Mainstream media is pushing an agenda demonizing sex...
As Elon Musk prepares Neuralink for human trials, we must ask the question, how far has mind control technology come since MKUltra? Will we find that these technologies affect not only the mind but...
FreemanTV Member: (Protected Content)As Elon Musk prepares Neuralink for human trials, we must ask the question, how far has mind control technology come since MKUltra? Will we find that these...
We began life in a world of mystery. Back then books like Time Life Mysteries of the Unknown sent our young minds reeling. How did we get from exploring wonders like a 12 inch mummified man...
FreemanTV Member: (Protected Content)We began life in a world of mystery. Back then books like Time Life Mysteries of the Unknown sent our young minds reeling. How did we get from exploring wonders...
Can you reject the offer? How do you find the free will to say no to a technocratic totalitarian despots? Is the answer assisted suicide? What will it take for humans to find their humanity...
FreemanTV Member: (Protected Content)Can you reject the offer? How do you find the free will to say no to a technocratic totalitarian despots? Is the answer assisted suicide? What will it take for...
Can we work with our gifts to transform ourselves and then the world - spiritual practices, tarot and meditation, synchronicity and guides, teachers and teachings? Using spiritual gifts and healing...