Alien Nazi and The Fourth Reich – Jim Marrs

alien nazi
Jim Marrs joins Freeman for a discussion of Alien connections to the Nazi elite and the rise of the Fourth Reich in America. Also discussed are the Annunaki, ancient Sumer and Egypt. Jim is an expert on Ancient Astronauts, the NWO, Nazi UFOs, Skull and Bones, Bush Dynasty, the CIA, and NSA, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers, CFR, Flying Saucers, and the Alien Agenda. Witness never before seen footage inside secret societies in this video.

Jim Marrs is author of Rule by Secrecy, which traced the hidden history that connects modern secret societies to the Ancient Mysteries. It reached the New York Times Best Seller list. In 2003, his book The War on Freedom probed the conspiracies of the 9/11 attacks and their aftermath. It was released in 2006 under the title The Terror Conspiracy. In mid-2008, his book The Rise of the Fourth Reich, detailing the infiltration of National Socialism into the USA, was published followed by a study of mysteries entitled Above Top Secret.