"Freemasonry is far too serious a matter for any man to assume its villainous obligations without due reflection...bound by the cable tow of Satan to the altar of Baal, there is no place for after repentance." Mah-Hah-Bone Edmond Ronayne Past Master 1879
"To overcome these dark magicians who have held our world hostage for centuries, we must study and understand the occult knowledge they have usurped for their own advantage, and accept that a metaphysical world does exist and has been used by these overlords against us. We must expose those in the highest seats of power for who they really are, and who they really worship, as we struggle to assimilate the greatest deception humanity has ever known." Dylan Monroe
Dylan Louis Monroe is an American artist currently based in Cincinnati, Ohio. He graduated from Parsons in 2007 with a BFA in fashion design. In New York City, he worked in the high-end fashion industry for 7 years, designing prints, apparel, and jewelry, before moving back to Ohio to focus on fine art and its application to his own vision of fashion.
In 2017, Dylan started the "Deep State Mapping Project" in response to the changing political climate in America. His "Q-web" spread virally across the dark web in 2018. An online store dedicated to this project was launched in April, 2018.
Dylan had been researching conspiracies since 2005, when living two blocks south of the World Trade Center site, then called "Ground Zero," he discovered the theories surrounding WTC 7, which led him down the matrix of rabbit holes that ultimately culminated with the creation of the "Q-web," a cartography of the master conspiracy.
personal website: www.dylanlouismonroe.com
instagram: @masterconspiracy
facebook: join the group, "Deep State Mapping Project"
Send comments and guest suggestions to producersteve@freemantv.com