The Bible Is Not A Myth – Ralph Ellis

In a time of genetically-modified babies, glow in the dark cats and pigs, human body parts grown inside of sheep birthed from artificial wombs, and deep space exploration beyond the borders of the known world, as New Horizons reaches Ultima Thule, we still need to return to "In the beginning" to understand where we are going!

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

The majority of the people on this planet don't want to know the truth behind the Biblical characters. Why are they not in the historical record, if they had such an impact on civilization? Perhaps everyone is looking in the wrong place for their answers. Perhaps, Eden is in Egypt and Adam and Eve are actually Pharaoh Akhenaton and his wife, Nefertiti.

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Ralph Ellis has been researching biblical and Egyptian history for more than 30 years. Being independent from theological and educational establishments allows Ralph to tread where others do not dare, and it is through this independence that Ralph has discovered so many new biblical and historical truths.Perhaps one of the biggest 'cover-ups' is the fact that the Israelites were originally Egyptians, the Hyksos Shepherd pharaohs who were ejected from Egypt in the 17th century BC. But this simple correlation colours the rest of biblical history, for it means that both King Solomon and King Jesus were also of Egyptian heritage.

Life is a challenge and Ralph Ellis has faced more than a few. He started as a software engineer, but moved into the equally technical spheres of mineral surveying, aviation, and palaeoclimatology, but always maintained and built upon the archaeological interests and research of his father.

As a historian, Ralph has toured the Mediterranean for more than three decades searching for secular similarities and parallels between the apparently disparate disciplines of history and theology. And the research has been very fruitful with many new fundamental discoveries being made, mostly in Egypt. But Ralph has finally produced an extraordinary theological discovery – the true identity and genealogy of the biblical Jesus in the historical record. This painstaking and complex historical crossword puzzle has taken more than two decades to put together, but at last the real King Jesus can step out from the millennial shadows.

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