What Do I Want To Believe? – Mike Williams

So now, they're just going to grow Sheeple!? Perhaps you missed the pig-human hybrid but, I think it's time to get offended! Now matter how outlandish human cloning sounds to people, these experiments are going on all day, every day, on earth and in space. You probably have heard the term, stem cell research, well, that's human cloning. Sheep human hybrids are not a deep secret in some underground lab, this is front page news! Second successful human-animal hybrid: sheep embryo with human cells
In this Post Conspiracy Era, "Dr. They" no longer has to keep his secrets, the public no longer knows what is meant by the truth!

Promise of chimeric organisms: Combining cutting-edge gene-editing and stem-cell technologies, the scientists were able to grow a rat pancreas, heart and eyes in a developing mouse, providing proof-of-concept that functional organs from one species can be grown in another. They were also able to generate human cells and tissues in early-stage pig and cattle embryos, marking the first step toward the generation of transplantable human organs using large animals whose organ size, physiology and anatomy are similar to humans'.

Tonight we will learn from a working class hero, Mike Williams, an artist with a labor of love that wants to achieve a free and critical thinking world through music and knowledge. Why would a "Dr. They" want to replace a major celebrity like Paul McCartney. What lesson will "Dr. They" learn from how easily the world is fooled? Would you think Satanist, Sammy Davis jr, had any talent if he wasn't presented on the television screen?

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How much do you want to believe about what is happening to our world. Is anything we believe, real? Objective truth relies on collective memories. Control the past and you control the future. Isn't that what Orwell said? Make some people think something is possible and you have sown the seeds of uncertainty. Objectively, would you think that you could stand on the side of a ball spinning at 1100 mph? Do you feel motion now as you speed around the sun at 66,600 mph? Who do you trust? Would your trust come quicker if the source had more followers?