Return of the Nephilim – The UFO Threat

nephilim UFOAre UFO encounters a sign of the Nephilim's return? The mythoi of our ancestors seem outlandish with tales of flying vehicles and wars in the heavens. The Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is filled with accounts of encounters with divine beings; Abraham and the ‘smoking firepot’ and a flaming torch that appeared in the sky as a sign of acceptance of his sacrifice, the ‘pillar of cloud’ by day and the ‘pillar of fire’ by night that led Moses and the Israelites, God landing on Mount Sinai in smoke, with a sound of a trumpet before them, Elijah being ‘carried up to heaven’ in a ‘chariot of fire’ which created a whirlwind, and of course, Ezekiel’s famous close encounter. The origins of modern civilization on planet Earth has always been extraterrestrial.
According to Zecharia Sitchin’s interpretation of ancient Sumerian cuneiform tablets, about 430,000 years ago, Earth was visited by extraterrestrials which came here to mine gold and other minerals that were needed for their survival. They became known as the Elohim. The Elohim had brought with them a worker race they called the Annunaki. This was a race designed for mining. Eventually the Annunaki revolted against their lazy masters and escaped to the deep subterranean world where it seems they still live today. The gods needed new servants. It was Enki that suggested genetically altering the hominid species already inhabiting earth. These became known as the LULU. Eventually, the lazy masters did not want to manufacture LULU through their birth wives so, they granted the LULU reproduction. The story of Adam and Eve begins to take on a whole new meaning. Certainly they were not the first to be created; showing up in the second creation myth of Genesis and their child, Abel, was fearful of the people of Nod. The Bible then becomes the genealogy of the LULU that could reproduce.
Ancient murals such as the 17th century fresco of the crucifixion in Svetishoveli Cathedral depict flying craft or a 14th century fresco of the Madonna and Child with a UFO hovering in the distance. This artwork by Sebastiano Mainardi is also called the “ Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John.”

piri reis map The “New Atlantis” was a place designed long ago to bring about the fruition of the “Order of the Quest”. The Western continent was not unknown to the ancients. Treasured maps such as the Piri Reis map, discovered in 1929, clearly show prehistoric knowledge of earth’s geography. The map was created by the Turkish seafarer and one-time pirate Piri Reis or Admiral Reis from 20 maps dating back to the time of Alexander the Great in 356 BC. The original maps of Alexandria appeared to be much older, perhaps even 100,000 years older. They showed Antarctica without ice and the earth’s circumference was known. “The evidence presented by ancient maps appears to suggest the existence in remote times, before the rise of any known cultures, of a true civilization of an advanced kind”, says Charles Hapgood. He came to believe that the maps proved that the lost culture of Atlantis originated on Antarctica.
Templar discoveries of Mandean text directed them towards the western continent. The Mandeans told of a star to follow, the Star of the West, Venus. They called this “star” Merica. Templar symbols have been found in America from before its “discovery” and after. The Templar were known for their gold and arches. They flew the flag of Skull and Bones on their ships as they dispersed from the holy land to enter England and Scotland to join forces with the Freemasons. Columbus raised the Templar flag with a red cross on a white banner as he crossed the ocean blue. Columbus was likely the Greek Prince, Nikoloas Ypsilantis and was then titled after the goddess Columbia. According to Manly P. Hall, his signature is shown with a Kabalistic cipher. There is much to indicate that Columbus was influenced by Plato’s account of Atlantis.
People speak of being “Americans” but do they know where that title comes from or who designed the nation’s flag?
Manly P. Hall tells the tale of a strange man that befriended Benjamin Franklin in the fall of 1775. The Colonial Congress was in session and a committee was formed to consider and recommend a design for a Colonial flag. General Washington joined the committee in Cambridge and there they met a mysterious stranger that dined only on raw foods. He was in his seventies but, appeared to be in the prime of his life. This man was known only as the “Professor”. Benjamin Franklin recommended that he join the committee and the new Colonial flag should be left in the hands of his abundantly honored friend.
The mystery schools came to enchant the land with a mythos; a story to be believed by the masses. It was said that in America the streets were paved with gold and that all would find freedom, liberty.
“The Sons of Liberty”, a film by Walt Disney, builds this mythos for our time as it depicts the Boston Tea Party as a righteous event never mentioning the inner circle of Freemasons that pulled of this act of prestidigitation, this false-flag event. It is the same method employed by the ancient Egyptians and the Greeks of creating archetypal forces to be followed. Liberty, our goddess Columbia, is Venus/Lucifer and Isis/Sirius.
Return-Nephilim-DVDReturn of the Nephilim 2 disk set $24.99 As in the days of Noah, when the Sons of God came down and took the wives and daughters of men, so too are we now in an age of revelation about our ancient past. Join Freeman on a path down through the ages, as together, we explore the mysteries left encoded in ancient structures and writings and how they affect the world today. Could the New World Order have an ancient past?
Freeman invites thinkers and scholars to discuss the veracity of the ancient astronaut hypothesis. Giorgio Tsoukalos of the Ancient Astronaut Research Center and Michael Tsarion, author of Atlantis, Alien Visitations and Genetic Manipulations, share their knowledge and Freeman meets a Raelian. Dr. Richard Guerrero shares his views as a member of the controversial, extra-terrestrial, Raelian movement. This is 5 hours you don't want to miss folks. Revelation is at hand.

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