Man's off planet origins and refined cosmology to free humanity from control and tyranny from a man that claims to not be from here. Let's explore the 300,000+ years of mankind's life on planet Earth. Are there extraterrestrials out there waiting to help? Do sentient beings the size of continents orbit the sun to save life in the solar system from certain doom due to solar flares? Are Electromagnetic Vehicles extracting surplus energy from our Sun and are E.T civilizations helping us prevent total annihilation of our species and the Earth?
James Horak reveals what the objects in the Corona of the Sun, photographed by NASA/ESA are. In deference to Dr. Norman Bergrun he describes the EMVs - Electro-Magnetic Vehicles and explains Humanities Call on this Planet now.

James C. Horak starts the book when Black Ops prosecuted the secession of the Republic of Texas from the Union to provoke the declaration of martial law and subsequent deployment of UN-troops on US-grounds. When his former wife in 1996 got involved, he was able to stop this staged false flag event with the help of the authorities. Three years later another false flag to provoke martial law was prevented when he notified the FBI, Matt Drudge and Mayor Giuliani of a black operation briefing-video to prepare riots during the Y2K New Years Eve celebration at Times-Square, N.Y.C. “These are a true stories. Told in parts where breaks in its continuum demand the digression just to appreciate its complexity. For the way of truth is seldom textured to fit chronology, especially where dark truths are revealed.