Jade Helm, CERN, the UN, the Pope, a Blood Moon, & a Flat Earth – Rob Skiba


Jade Helm 15, asteroids, CERN, the U.N., the Pope's visit, and a Blood Moon; What will happen in September when all of these events come to pass?
"It is very easy to mock, ridicule and dismiss an argument. Taking the time to give a well thought out and carefully reasoned response however, is another story. Initially, when confronted with the issue of a flat earth, my knee-jerk response - like that of many others - was to mock, ridicule and dismiss the whole thing as utterly ludicrous and a total waste of time to even consider. But then I was challenged by several people to prove that it was. I thought it would be quite easy to do so. It turns out I was wrong." Rob Skiba

Rob's Links
The Yahuwah Triangle Virtual Conference
Bible Earth - Flat Earth
The real Gospel message

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Rob Skiba is an award winning documentary filmmaker, researcher and the best-selling author of several books including: Babylon Rising: And The First Shall Be Last and Archon Invasion: The Rise, Fall and Return of the Nephilim. As an "ancient Nephilim theorist," Rob brings a unique and often unheard perspective to the UFO/alien discussion. As such, he has become an internationally recognized public speaker on these subjects, often appearing on paranormal and prophecy talk shows and as a featured, keynote speaker at conferences all around the world.