Illuminati Goddess Columbia – the Freeman Perspective

Satanic WrongAre the Illuminati goddess worshipers? Who is Columbia and why is our nation known as America. Is there a connection to Ancient Astronauts, Lucifer or Fallen Angels?
King Solomon worshiped Asherah, Chemosh, and Moloch creating temples in the high places of Jerusalem for ritual sacrifice. In the Bible Asherah is translated grove. Asherah is also the Biblical version of Ishtar, who is Isis. The Hebrew letter equated with the Empress is Dallas or Daleth. She is known as the Eye Goddess and the Hebrew letter Ayin means eye and is the Devil card in the Tarot. Semiramis, Ishtar, Anat, Asherah, Isis, Juno, Minerva, Aphrodite, Venus, et al. are often represented with an owl; a symbol of peering into the darkness. At Bohemian Grove these sacrifices continue by the leaders of industry, finance and politics under a 40 ft. owl. This is known as the Cremation of Care.

Original Air-Date May 1, 2005
Experience 3 hours of mind-bending information, displayed through an undeniable stream of imagery that will change the meaning of all that you see each and every day.
Columbia Illuminatithe Freeman Perspective $19.99 Freeman takes you through the doors of Masonic temples and explores the occult meanings of Corporate Logos. With a scholar's observance, he unveils the worship of the Illuminati Goddess, Columbia and then, tackles the more sinister topic of Chemtrails. Freeman assures his position in the info-war movement, with his award-winning documentary on HAARP. Freeman presents solutions based within the creative spirit of humanity. This 3 hour DVD will forever change your perspective of the world around you. See more in the Store