Cause of Fire Unknown – James True

There is a blueprint for mind control. We have been programmed for centuries by the spellcraft of our controllers. Our world is reverberating in echos of trauma that can only be solved with awareness. A ringing bell is hushed with the grasping of fingers. We are here to grasp this truth together.

What is the true anatomy of evil as a careless machine? We vacate each other in pain. It makes us selfish. This is the feeding ground of vampires. The dissonance was created for that purpose.

What are the controlling effects of the psychology behind false flags and educational propaganda? Picture yourself trapped in an eternally shrinking vacuum of space where no one can hear you. You live in fear of tumbling asteroids, your own footprints, and the magic of E=MC2.

Our media and Hollywood are licensed fear porn agents here to keep you impotent. They hide the truth. We are living in a world of human slavery and sacrifice.


Associate Producer: Steve Mercer
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It is time to unlock your magic and liberate your psychology. There is a technology to our thoughts. The Jungian archetypes are sigils of magic and you are a creator responsible for this power. Your mind can be baptized in a single question. You can return the assemblage point of your awareness back to your center. All you have to do is ask the question, "Is that true." We remain as defenseless as a baby when we give them blind trust. It's time to wake up now. Wake up.

James True is a writer from the High Country of Southern Appalachia. This autobiography is a collection of literature and poems inspired by growing up in America. The author takes you through his experiences as a world-traveling choirboy, submarine hunter, philosopher, wilderness counselor, animal rehabber, politician, lover, and sculptor of six large-format bamboo dragons built across North and Central America. Watch a story unfold of growing up to realize you haven't really. It's full of humor and richness in the moment from the colors of childhood to the weight of loss. It's a story of crashing hard and finding resurrection and metamorphosis. It's a tale of a desperate attempt to save a marriage and rebuild an identity after being shunned by a tribe. It navigates the torture of dragon narcissus and exposes the colored smoke and triangular spells that make her so charming. Experience the author's intimacy in every sentence as he walks you through his awakening from the spell of six dragons.

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