9/11 Fifteen Years Later – Ian Crane

To mark the 15th anniversary of one of the most life-changing events the world has ever seen, Mark Devlin is joined by British activist, researcher and conference host Ian Crane to reflect on the legacy of 9/11.

They discuss the long-term planning that would have gone into the events of that fateful day, and the agendas that it was always intended to usher in, considering some of the clues that were given in advance. The level of foreknowledge of US President George W Bush also comes in for scrutiny.

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Besides the devastating legacy of 9/11 and the foreign wars it was used to justify, we also look at how the event served as the catalyst for so many people to wake up to the truth of the power elite running the world, and ask whether the scale of this awakening may have been woefully under-estimated by the perpetrators. Ian offers a couple of anecdotes to demonstrate how reading the signs in advance of a planned 'terror' event, and exposing them, can actually lead to it being called off. This process offers our best hope of incapacitating the control structure. With so many vigilant people now watching their every move, the controllers would find it impossible to pull off another event of this scale without fully revealing their true nature.

Listen to Hour 2 examining the world-changing legacy of 9/11 is with Australian activist, broadcaster and film-maker Max Igan.

Max recounts his own story of where he was when the news of September 11th 2001 broke, and his initial reactions. We consider how polarising this event has been in the years that have followed; while it served as the catalyst for many to start questioning the official version of everything they're told, others continue to cling to the mainstream narrative. We consider why this might be, and the possible ramifications for those whom it 'woke up.'

Other areas discussed include the occult symbolism behind 9/11, the new glut of modern false-flags and hoaxes that it paved the way for, the likely longer-term legacy, and the opportunities that 9/11 presented towards bringing human enslavement to an end, in stark contrast to the aims for which it was brought about.

Mark Devlin is a UK-based club and radio DJ and music journalist, specializing in dance music in its many forms. He has played live in over 40 countries around the world. In more recent years he has begun speaking on radio and at events about the dark forces that have been manipulating and controlling the mainstream music industry for decades. This has led to the publication of his book, Musical Truth